A smart clinic is defined by its smart clinical management services backed by the best of technology. This technology facilitates the automation and digitization of medical records, real-time tracking, telehealth for remote healthcare and smart pharma.
This has been achieved with well-interconnected networks and a highly integrated system supported by IoT devices, EHR and MIS.
Registering at hospitals has become highly personalized and convenient with the Avisa smart app.
Monitoring the health status of the patients has now become easier with the availability of digitized medical records.
Appointments can now be tracked in real-time with the help of Kiosks for improving organizational management.
IoT components and devices can enhance the diagnoses process, yielding effective treatment outcomes as well.
Monitoring and keeping track of the patient health status with consistency is of utmost importance and has been improvised with the facilitation of the smart app.
Acheive higher pateint inflow and retention of your pateints with improved visibility of your clinic
Standing in long queues for registrations and appointments has become a thing of the past with a smart patient queue management system.
Telehealth is an innovative concept whose execution has been made simpler to promote and execute remote and smart healthcare.
Smart prescription offerings on the smart app have enabled customization of prescriptions to patients digitally.
The gaps in the provision of smart healthcare to patients have been bridged with smart patient MIS facilitations.
WWorkflow management systems have been optimized with EHR and the variety of benefits it offers.
Gain smart access to lab reports and test results conveniently with highly integrated smart app facilitations.
Email: info@avisa.care
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